NJCU Launches Community Music School Offering Voice and Instrument Lessons

September 26, 2018
NJCU Community Music School

In collaboration with the Division of Professional Education and Lifelong Learning (PELL), the Department of Music, Dance and Theatre has launched a Community Music School.

The mission of the NJCU Community Music School is to provide students with a well-rounded music curriculum and education. NJCUCMS faculty members are strongly dedicated to meeting the demands of their students' varied musical goals and talents.

Students of all ages can register for individual voice and music lessons covering a range of instruments that include clarinet, drums, guitar, piano and many more.

According to Dr. Joseph d’Auguste, co-founder of the Community Music School, “lessons and classes at CMS are student-focused, flexible, and supportive and we strive to create a positive environment in which all students can pursue their musical dreams.â€

Dr. Michael Edmondson, Dean of PELL announced the Community Music School stating, “This opportunity provides another way for the local community and NJCU to further an already established relationship.â€

For more information on the Community Music School, contact Dr. Joseph d’Auguste at jdauguste@njcu.edu or visit



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